Santa, All I want for Christmas is…

Dear Santa,

All we want for Christmas is peace and love, is that too much?

We want to be around the ones we love, we want to be able to go from one place to the other without borders, without check points, and without Apartheid. We even want to live a life filled with love; we want to get rid of hate, racism, and every ugly thing around, is that too much to ask?

Santa, all we want for Christmas is peace and love. We want a life filled with love besides the people who love us unconditionally; we want a life filled with tolerance, creativity, imagination, craziness and hope. Hope for the better, hope for more sunshine and superheroes. We don’t want last Christmas all over again, cause you know how much we have lost back then. My dear, we have been normal humans who make mistakes every now and then, but who doesn’t? They taught us that what matters is what is in the heart, and we had nothing but good intentions. Yes, we do hurt people sometimes, but if we had known how much they would be hurt we wouldn’t have done any fault. Remember all the good things we did this year? Remember how we gave our best? How much effort we have put into things?

Dear, can you give us the gift of love and spare us the heart breaks this Christmas? Heaven knows how much we have suffered and how much we fought to get back up on our feet. Can we beg you more? Can you stop all the killing and ugliness in the world? Can you give us freedom? We know our dear Santa how much effort you have put to get here this year, and we know that it is becoming harder every year for you to come here, but you have made it, you believed in us and you fought for us, so can you give us worthy gifts? Can you give our children some innocence and a true childhood? Can you make sure that people here won’t wake up to hear that someone has been arrested? Can you give freedom to Palestinian prisoners? Can you restore our faith in humanity? Can you restore our faith in each other?

You see Santa, this is what we want, simple values in life that are banned in this part of the world, it’s not much to ask for, but maybe this is the hardest wish list you have ever received. I know that many of us are on your bad list, but you know for sure that there are also great majorities here who are on the good list, and all they want is for their hope in humanity to be restored.

Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule, and hopefully one day you will get us our wishes wrapped in love.

A Palestinian

About Hadeel Khalifeh 3 Articles
Hadeel Khalifeh is Palestinian studying English Literature at An-Najah National University in Nablus, West Bank, Occupied Palestine. .

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